Why I hate paki medics......
This applies to Paki/Indian Medics only
Medic: So what course you do?
ME: Molecular Biology
Medic: Ok......isn't everyone who does Biomedical Science a Medic wannabe?
ME: It's Molecular Biology......
Medic: Oh yeh I was thinking of Pete* (Pete* is right next to him)
Me : Actually i'm even changing my degree to Arabic next year.
Medic: Why what's the point you can never get a job out of it
Me: ...........................................
Me: You got something on your chin *points to cheek*
Medic: *Feels cheek*
Me: Retard
The medics very closed mind cannot conjure any more conversation topics and the conversation dies.
* Pete is not his real name.
There's only one medical student or future medical student I like rest assured all others suck.
They look down on you if you're a non Medic, cept if you're a Dentist, if you are then they'll have some gay pseudo macho rivalry going on with you. Where this superiority complex come from, Allah only knows. I'll never see the good in being a a 32 year old Balding Pakistani newly qualified virgin doctor.
You can't really blame them, their parents tell them that the only way they're ever going to marry their pretty cousin is by spending years in Medical School. I suppose people like me are are what Paki kids are told not to be like.
Gay medics aside, I was asked to lead a jamaat at Ambrose mosque today, not the main jamaat of course but the ones you get for all the late people, It was maghrib aswell so I had to pray aloud. There were like 7 people behind me, I can't describe how unconfortable I felt. I think the fact that I haven't shaved in like 8 days and have a millitary jacket fooled people in to think I was religious enough, either that or maybe cos I was the tallest there, 5'11 (*dusts shoulders*).
Hoe stopped calling me, which is a relief, I never imagined my self rejecting a hoe but there's a first time for everything, at least I've had the oppurtunity to turn down a hoe. Some brothers have never faced that temptation, in the words of one pious sister 'It's cos they're 5'2, they have no choice but to be pious'. Mashallah.
I also miss my little brother and Sis, it's sad having no one to feel big brotherly over. And great thing is they do whatever you tell them to, I'd be like Soheb go get me my watch, then he'd spend ages looking for it, fearing violent retribution should he fail, then he comes down all worried and my watch happens to be behind me or something.......I miss that, that was awesome.
I hate nostalgia................... Isha time niggas.
Medic: So what course you do?
ME: Molecular Biology
Medic: Ok......isn't everyone who does Biomedical Science a Medic wannabe?
ME: It's Molecular Biology......
Medic: Oh yeh I was thinking of Pete* (Pete* is right next to him)
Me : Actually i'm even changing my degree to Arabic next year.
Medic: Why what's the point you can never get a job out of it
Me: ...........................................
Me: You got something on your chin *points to cheek*
Medic: *Feels cheek*
Me: Retard
The medics very closed mind cannot conjure any more conversation topics and the conversation dies.
* Pete is not his real name.
There's only one medical student or future medical student I like rest assured all others suck.
They look down on you if you're a non Medic, cept if you're a Dentist, if you are then they'll have some gay pseudo macho rivalry going on with you. Where this superiority complex come from, Allah only knows. I'll never see the good in being a a 32 year old Balding Pakistani newly qualified virgin doctor.
You can't really blame them, their parents tell them that the only way they're ever going to marry their pretty cousin is by spending years in Medical School. I suppose people like me are are what Paki kids are told not to be like.
Gay medics aside, I was asked to lead a jamaat at Ambrose mosque today, not the main jamaat of course but the ones you get for all the late people, It was maghrib aswell so I had to pray aloud. There were like 7 people behind me, I can't describe how unconfortable I felt. I think the fact that I haven't shaved in like 8 days and have a millitary jacket fooled people in to think I was religious enough, either that or maybe cos I was the tallest there, 5'11 (*dusts shoulders*).
Hoe stopped calling me, which is a relief, I never imagined my self rejecting a hoe but there's a first time for everything, at least I've had the oppurtunity to turn down a hoe. Some brothers have never faced that temptation, in the words of one pious sister 'It's cos they're 5'2, they have no choice but to be pious'. Mashallah.
I also miss my little brother and Sis, it's sad having no one to feel big brotherly over. And great thing is they do whatever you tell them to, I'd be like Soheb go get me my watch, then he'd spend ages looking for it, fearing violent retribution should he fail, then he comes down all worried and my watch happens to be behind me or something.......I miss that, that was awesome.
I hate nostalgia................... Isha time niggas.
At 11:00 PM,
Not Zahra. said…
Assalamu alaykum
Masha Allah..
I don't understand why you're still doing ur work for biology??? Is it a Muslim 'gotta work hard with everything' thing?
At 11:02 PM,
ecowarrioress said…
today at ambrose this medic was really having a hissy fit cos someone else had told her that another person had said that dentists are cleverer than medics. boy, u shuda seen the frown on her face.
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