'Why Muslims Are Wankers'
Do you think there was a point in Hitlers life where he thought maybe what I'm doing to the jews is a teensy bit extreme? The force of hatred is a powerul thing, enough to turn hot, talented and intelligent guys like Hitler in to minions of evil.
Anyhoo as part of my 'Why Muslims are Wankers' Series I'm going to list all the reasons why Muslims are indeed wankers. Not in the sock and cucumber sense let me assure you, so stop rolling those freakishly ugly eyes of yours and I shall beginith.
1. Muslims are Stupid; The number of Muslim intellectuals out there is miniscule. The ones that are usually belong to some long dead pseudo mutazalite school of thinking that betrays the real principles of Islam. This applies more to men more than women; In my university ISOC the average guy can barely string a sentence together. There are clever women out there but their faces suck so nobody is going to take them seriously.
Seriously though I doubt many of them have read a book which wasn't written by a third rate 'Islamic scholar' on the etiquettes of refuting shia lies.
2. Muslims are Pussies; Obviously not literally, though that would be interesting. This is on a political level aswell as a personal one. Most suffer from paralysis of the balls and lack the testicular fortitude to match rhetoric with any substance. Most recently we see the Arab and Muslim states stand idly as Lebanon is raped, some have even gone as far as condemning Hezbollah for resisting the Zionist hordes.
Just the tip of the iceberg; Iraq was bitch slapped in front of the whole world, American tanks were met by Muslim inaction, the type which has typified Muslim response to any foriegn invasion during the past 100 years.
Locally we hear alot of half hearted condemnation wrapped in political sweet talk and protests that make exactly zero difference but never anything that actually affects our enemy or sends a message the world hasn't heard before.
Some Danish low life attention whore can publish a few crappy cartoons and I can't drink a yoghurt drink without feeling I've betrayed my Religion, yet America can speed up it's delivery of bunker busting bombs to israel so it can destroy Hezbollah and not even a hint of a boycott.
3. Muslims are Stupid; We face an enemy much stonger than us, conventionally it would be impossible to take on the mllitary might of the West. How do you fight a war you know you can't win?
Bomb random people who have done nothing to you?
Create more enemies from people who would have potentially supported your cause?
Bomb Shias because of a obscure political incident which occured in the 7th centruy?
Support a group of former rapists, extortionists and thugs who claim to fight in the name of Islam yet commit acts of ruthless murder?
If you answerd Yes to any of the above questions please cut off your balls. Procreation was not designed for your likes.
What happened to guerilla warfare? It worked in Afghanistan against the Soviets, Vietnam against the Americans, Algeria against the French. What happened to proapaganda and media wars? Battles for hearts and minds? Wars are thought on battlefields and intellectually.
This mindless massacre of shias, Iraqis queing for jobs, children collecting sweets, doctors, teachers, footballers wearing shorts does NOT end occupations. The people who commit and support such acts are not martyrs. Just very evil people who end up hurting the very Ummah they claim to fight for.
I'm going to add some more later, theres lots I've got to add like; Feminism, Women who's faces suck, Pussy guys etc.
Anyhoo i'm back from Malaysia/Singapore/Thailand. One of my four wives is going to be Malaysian so congratulations to the Malaysian nation on that awesome feat, 150 something nations are left battling it out for the other 3 positions. I'm sorry Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Mongolia, The Peoples Democratic Republic of Swaziland and Lesotho please stop trying.
Also I'm such a materialist like Oh my god. I bought like 2 ipods, a nintendo ds, gold, clothes. The five star hotels, the hookers without aids and herpes* Gandhi would be rolling in his grave.
* No hookers I swear by God there were no hookers.
Anyhoo as part of my 'Why Muslims are Wankers' Series I'm going to list all the reasons why Muslims are indeed wankers. Not in the sock and cucumber sense let me assure you, so stop rolling those freakishly ugly eyes of yours and I shall beginith.
1. Muslims are Stupid; The number of Muslim intellectuals out there is miniscule. The ones that are usually belong to some long dead pseudo mutazalite school of thinking that betrays the real principles of Islam. This applies more to men more than women; In my university ISOC the average guy can barely string a sentence together. There are clever women out there but their faces suck so nobody is going to take them seriously.
Seriously though I doubt many of them have read a book which wasn't written by a third rate 'Islamic scholar' on the etiquettes of refuting shia lies.
2. Muslims are Pussies; Obviously not literally, though that would be interesting. This is on a political level aswell as a personal one. Most suffer from paralysis of the balls and lack the testicular fortitude to match rhetoric with any substance. Most recently we see the Arab and Muslim states stand idly as Lebanon is raped, some have even gone as far as condemning Hezbollah for resisting the Zionist hordes.
Just the tip of the iceberg; Iraq was bitch slapped in front of the whole world, American tanks were met by Muslim inaction, the type which has typified Muslim response to any foriegn invasion during the past 100 years.
Locally we hear alot of half hearted condemnation wrapped in political sweet talk and protests that make exactly zero difference but never anything that actually affects our enemy or sends a message the world hasn't heard before.
Some Danish low life attention whore can publish a few crappy cartoons and I can't drink a yoghurt drink without feeling I've betrayed my Religion, yet America can speed up it's delivery of bunker busting bombs to israel so it can destroy Hezbollah and not even a hint of a boycott.
3. Muslims are Stupid; We face an enemy much stonger than us, conventionally it would be impossible to take on the mllitary might of the West. How do you fight a war you know you can't win?
Bomb random people who have done nothing to you?
Create more enemies from people who would have potentially supported your cause?
Bomb Shias because of a obscure political incident which occured in the 7th centruy?
Support a group of former rapists, extortionists and thugs who claim to fight in the name of Islam yet commit acts of ruthless murder?
If you answerd Yes to any of the above questions please cut off your balls. Procreation was not designed for your likes.
What happened to guerilla warfare? It worked in Afghanistan against the Soviets, Vietnam against the Americans, Algeria against the French. What happened to proapaganda and media wars? Battles for hearts and minds? Wars are thought on battlefields and intellectually.
This mindless massacre of shias, Iraqis queing for jobs, children collecting sweets, doctors, teachers, footballers wearing shorts does NOT end occupations. The people who commit and support such acts are not martyrs. Just very evil people who end up hurting the very Ummah they claim to fight for.
I'm going to add some more later, theres lots I've got to add like; Feminism, Women who's faces suck, Pussy guys etc.
Anyhoo i'm back from Malaysia/Singapore/Thailand. One of my four wives is going to be Malaysian so congratulations to the Malaysian nation on that awesome feat, 150 something nations are left battling it out for the other 3 positions. I'm sorry Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Mongolia, The Peoples Democratic Republic of Swaziland and Lesotho please stop trying.
Also I'm such a materialist like Oh my god. I bought like 2 ipods, a nintendo ds, gold, clothes. The five star hotels, the hookers without aids and herpes* Gandhi would be rolling in his grave.
* No hookers I swear by God there were no hookers.
At 2:03 PM,
undisclosed said…
LOL...so true.
have u seen that annual festival in swaziland that takes part in august, infront of the king...i bet u wud change ur mind if u saw it.
At 9:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
so very true -hate islam
At 2:02 AM,
Paddy said…
It's is quite obvious that you are as mad as a box of frogs on acid. I suppose that is your appeal to me. You are quite correct in pointing out that antagonising innocent parties(apart from their mild affiliation to the allies) is completely counter productive. The IRA tried to prove that point in the 80's when they blew a pakistani shopkeeper back to the 5th century in london but the dozy fucker was only concerned about his damaged tins of baked beans.If it was the other way around there would not be corner shop left standing north of the thames! We are only just waiting for a raghead to do something daft here in Ireland so it may give us the excuse to introduce them to the martyrdom that they seem to desire so badly. All are welcome here but when you start fucking around in the name of islam then the celtic welcome turns into muslim mincing!Drop the religion,grab a guinness and join the party.
At 10:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
I fucking hate the wankers they are stupid wierd and dam right wrong to look at as for there silly dress hahaha and silly religos crap and they steal all the britsh way of life. tell me this how can a muslim family of 7 live on benifits but can afford 3 bmw m3's ?? its not fair if you come to this country i will accept you if you do all things in the britsh way ie dress like us talk like us follow our laws and if you want to have god at your side then england is a christain country and above all else the native british get all houses and benifits first thats fair because if i went to paki land i would expect to come second to there culture so why not here ????
At 9:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
so true. can you imagine going to there country and acting like they do trying to take over.you would be shot. this country is fucked
At 1:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
muslims worship the devil nuke mecca, ban there religion
At 1:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
burn the koran, wipe ur arse on on good toilet paper
At 12:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
This country is fucked unless we fuck them all off.
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