God answers everyone of my prayers. He answers not in wierd hallucinations and psychodelic experiences but through the actions of the people I come across. After a very impressive Jummah khutbah I know I am not alone in the way I think. The vast majority of Muslims are tools who are irrelevent to the greater cause, but there are few who rise to take up the responsibilities the ignorants forsake.......peace to my brethren who do....
Most people are dumb, they have no thoughts of their own, chances are you're probably one of these people. Global warming, poverty, imperialism, human tragedy these things don't concern you. What matters is ......I don't know....what is it you people think of......lol so boring......
There is a war going on outside. While you're watching Eastenders in your cosy cocoon, worrying about the trivial. Islam and humanity in general fight a battle for their very existence. American/Zionist neo colonialism will not stop it's rampage until every country is subservient to their needs.
In the words of the Imam, American 'Democracy' serves as a vehicle to serve it's interests. We submit and we lose the war. It must be opposed by any means necessary.
I wish i could organise my thoughts better.
Oh.....one more thing....I hate having to explaining my decisions to others....as a general rule of thumb....If you have to ask you are dumb and I hate you....I hate having to explain why im changing my degree to fucktards concerned with material gain over spirtual solice (sp).
I'm alot cleverer, awesomer, stronger and yes probably even better looking than alot of the people I meet. Must suck to be those people.
Most people are dumb, they have no thoughts of their own, chances are you're probably one of these people. Global warming, poverty, imperialism, human tragedy these things don't concern you. What matters is ......I don't know....what is it you people think of......lol so boring......
There is a war going on outside. While you're watching Eastenders in your cosy cocoon, worrying about the trivial. Islam and humanity in general fight a battle for their very existence. American/Zionist neo colonialism will not stop it's rampage until every country is subservient to their needs.
In the words of the Imam, American 'Democracy' serves as a vehicle to serve it's interests. We submit and we lose the war. It must be opposed by any means necessary.
I wish i could organise my thoughts better.
Oh.....one more thing....I hate having to explaining my decisions to others....as a general rule of thumb....If you have to ask you are dumb and I hate you....I hate having to explain why im changing my degree to fucktards concerned with material gain over spirtual solice (sp).
I'm alot cleverer, awesomer, stronger and yes probably even better looking than alot of the people I meet. Must suck to be those people.
At 9:09 PM,
Not Zahra. said…
Assalamu alaykum
What are you doing to change those things Shafik? Are you not opposed to arm chair activism?
Spiritual solace? You won't find that in your new degree, at least not from the modules you have to choose from. Maybe in the unity that arises from the outcry against what's being taught, but there again, most Muslims are tools, no?
At 5:46 PM,
Shafik said…
Why dont you just shut up.....huh? you tried that?.....shutting up i mean....
At 10:22 PM,
Reza said…
Interesting comments. Came to your blog via someone elses. Gonna blogroll you. Agree with most of your comments.
Take care and God Bless you.
At 4:43 PM,
Not Zahra. said…
Assalamu alaykum
Hello shafik.
At 5:24 PM,
Shafik said…
Reza- Thanks appreciated your comment put a smile on my face kinda, who's blog was it? Just curious.....
Zzze- erm hello?
At 10:27 AM,
Abu Turab said…
word up
At 4:52 PM,
Shafik said…
Salam Zaman, please excuse the swearing and other inappropriate stuff....hormone i tell you, it's them hormones.
At 4:38 AM,
A.B said…
call me conceited but i just look at certain ppl and thank god im not nothing like theem
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