ISOC Brothers Camp Friday 24th March To Saturday 26th March 2006, Alston, Cumbria.
Being the unpredictable party animal that I am I decided to go to a Brothers camp organised by the ISOC, I usually end up regretting doing things I've done purely on impulse, and at times this trip was no exception. On the whole however this proved to be an awesome and very beneficial trip. Below and above (cos I can't edit for crap) are pictures of the trip. These were taken in a hurry and on a camera phone but they're alrite. I'll give some kind of commentary or explanation on some of these. I'll add more tomorrow.
Definately a highlight, jumping across slippery rocks to cross a stream a few inches deep brought out the macho adventurer in me. Of course i slipped got my shoes and socks wet and broke my watch but it was worth it. As we struggled along hills paved with loose rocks I took on the 'help the guy struggling' role which added to my machoness.

If you were here and could hear the roar of the river as it pushed millions of gallons of water you would have been in awe. Truly a miracle of Allah (swt) we all take for granted.

There was horse shit everywhere but still it was beautiful.
Definately one of the best scenes there was this waterfall. Living in the city you're led to believe that beautiful scenery is only found in some exotic region of Africa or South America. Finding such scenes in England was definately a pleasant suprise. Sure this is no rainforest or serengetti (sp) but compared to the beggar/tool/sheep infested streets of Manchester sights like these were definately amazing.
Back at the hostel we were tasked with designing a mosque using just newspaper and cellatape. this mosque won, quite deservedly. It was designed by an engineer *hmphhh*.

...........this was our's a fusion of the post modern neo classical existentationalist school of architecture and medieval Moroccan oriental schools................honest.......erm.......anyway 'Masjid Rob Owen' named after our victorious Anti-Zionist General Secretary elect boasted a sisters section, observatories (not seen in the picture) and a gentlemans wudhu khana located strategically next to the sisters section, this was my idea of course and I don't think the judge took too kindly to it though several brothers did. The premise being that now wudhu and wife hunting could be combined .....naturally.........I am a man of ideas and innovation................
'And the earth, He has set it for living creatures. Therein is fruit and palms having sheathed clusters................ Which then of the favours of your Lord will you deny?'- Quran 55:10-55:13
At 7:02 PM,
Not Zahra. said…
Assalamu alaykum
There are many beggars in manchester.
Election photos,if you havn't seen them already. R.owen's in there somewhere.
At 10:24 PM,
Pink said…
nice pics - did everyone sing na na na yakman at the camp then?!?!
ur team's mosque was cooler, altho suspiciously looks like the glass triangle in front of the louvre... freemasonic influence? i think so.
btw, u were right - he won by 4 in the recount - which ud only kno if u were there on count night.. hmmm... i cant b bothered guessing tho. too many pakis.
z - did u take election pics?? and where r they?
At 11:25 PM,
Shafik said…
In response to your previous post i was wearing a green hat black jacket, usually far away from other leafleters- I need my space..... lol. I wasn't there on count night but I have my insiders.
regarding camp- nah people were over the election but we practiced some pr exercises t'was all good.
Our mosque was pretty awesome and there was definately no freemasonic influence......we even removed the eye from the top of the triangle just to make sure.
If you ever manage to get in to bros section at mcdougalls you can check em out.
At 4:52 AM,
Pink said…
im tempted to go isoc camp now... but not enough. nobody i especially wanna be confined with for 3days tbh.
i have a q for any readers of this blog - any idea who the 'practicing brother' or 'nina' is commenting on my blog??? dont think ive offended anyone recently... they seem to kno me. or they thing they do...
At 8:50 AM,
The Sane One said…
'The premise being that now wudhu and wife hunting could be combined ....'
what a joker.
At 1:35 PM,
Shafik said…
I read what this nina was saying, i definately haven't come across him/her/it before. But the internet tends to bring out attention starved individuals who rely on swearing and provoking others for their kicks.
Just ignore him/her.
At 4:26 PM,
Not Zahra. said…
assalamu alaykum
pp- they're your pictures, looks like I forgot to link.
I hope that sajid dude knows what he's doing..he's yet to write a single article for the student direct?! I pray he has hidden talent.
At 6:09 PM,
Pink said…
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At 10:33 PM,
Shafik said…
Salam Ishi (offiSHAL ISOC comitee member).
With all due respect your mosque was a boat, and a crap boat at that, they tried letting it float in the river and it just sunk. And what was up with all the christian crosses in your mosque.
And the football match it was all fluke man, everyone has a lucky game.
At 2:37 AM,
Pink said…
i saw the winning mosque upstairs in mcdougalls - it even has a crescent at the top, i reckon that alone makes it a worthy champion...
i think isoc committee should have a team blog. and they should be obliged to update on a weekly basis. obviously, so we can hold them accountable, and not just post hate comments.
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