MY L33t blog

Liberate the Sheep or eat Mutton.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Holiday Photos.

About time I posted these, been ages since I came back, miss South East Asia alot :(.

Masjid Sultan, Singapore

Buddha statue in Bangkok

Buddhist temple, Bangkok

Phuket beach

Seriously can't explain how beautiful Phuket was.
View from my hotel in Phuket

Spot the sand crab

Beach in Penang

Lizard I formed a close bond with, I'm gonna get you out of day....

To be honest I took this picture for the ladies
Down town KL

KL park from skybridge.
This fish looks happy

Monkey playing with himself

Turtle at aquarium
From the base of the tower

Petronas Towers before acid

Petronas Towers after Acid

Flash rains in Kuala Lumpur

Petronas Towers from the shopping centre I spent loads of time oggling chicks in.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Ramadhan Mubarak

Asalam' Alaykum

As usual amongst Muslims there is controversy on when Ramadhan started, which means I have to start a day earlier than family which sucks real bad.

I have to make this real quick, but for the next month I will be somewhat more pious than my usual self, Expect the following;

*No more swearing

*No more mocking fat chicks/ugly chicks/ Indians/ Hindus/Jews, Pakistani medical students and tools.

* I will probably be nicer to random people.

*I probably won't shave for weeks at a time, which is not unique to Ramadhan. I got one of those electric mach 3s for my birthday and that thing* cut me up like 3 times. (* I didn't swear)

* No more dirty jokes/talk/language....... :(

* Other stuff I can't mention cos im in a hurry.

All the things apply to the internet aswell.

Inshallah to all of the above.

ps: make dua for my grandparents who are going umrah this Ramadhan. They've been for like 9 years running now, inshallah this will not be the last.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Lines Must DIE!

I've discovered a formula.

I'm a bit of an Einstein so these things come pretty easy to me.

First you stand in a line usually for about 2 hours.

(The irony of this 'fast' track line never suprised me. )

Then you listen to a conversation the participants have made just about loud enough for most of the people in line to hear.

You listen. Not because you're interested, rather your ears lack the ability to filter inane bullshit.

'Miss I need to tell people about my overdraft, my boyfriend, my period' will share with you and other absolute strangers with the most intimate details of her personal life and bodily functions bar a daily piss report.

But no that's not enough.

Not for 'Miss I need to tell people about my overdraft, my boyfriend, my period' , a minute by minute commentary on how fast the line is moving is also necessary.

Thanks for sharing with us what is in all our heads but in a voice that is whiney yet pleads for attention.

Oh yeh the formula;

Take 1 stupid loud bitch (S), (X) number of people waiting in line, and your desire to butcher her in anger (b).

S x X x B= B= S/X = X= BxS= BS

Okay that makes no sense, I only added the formula cos I said there would be one in the beggining.

Anyhoo....University Rocks!!!! WOOOOOOO

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Moss Side

2 Murders in as many months.

Today a 15 year old kid, a short walk from where I live.

Poor guy.

Innalillahi wa inna ilayhi raajioon.